1. API Documentation
  2. Event dump API

Event dump API

How to use

The Event dump API is accessed using URL’s in the following format:


The request returns a JSON object containing the key of the most recently published dump as well as the location of the dump file.

We’re currently publishing dumps at about 07.00 UTC but you should allow some padding before you download updates to ensure that the new file is in place. Our current recommendation is to wait until 1 hour after the scheduled publish time.

Example response

	id: "sv-upcoming-jyyk7z-20110926100000"
	created: "2011-09-26T10:00:19+00:00"
	eTag: "6ed42bdfdf0a68ff0a7d3850dc1b444d"
	uri: "http://event-api-dumps.s3.amazonaws.com/sv/upcoming/jyyk7z-20110926100000?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJUH2FWL64WMFAHZA&Expires=1317117600&Signature=BZ5JoB%2Fs127w8LZVuJZoTYQoZtg%3D"

Description of response object

Field Description Example
id A string containing the id (name) of the latest published dump file. Use this id to determine if you’ve already processed the dump earlier by persisting each id within your own data store each time you process a dump. The exact format of the id can change so you should treat it as an opaque string. sv-upcoming-jyyk7z-20110926100000
created The time and date when the latest dump file was published in ISO-8601 format. 2011-09-26T10:00:19+00:00
uri The location of the dump file. As of now this is is a signed URL which will expire between two and three hours after the API request.

The dump file

Once you’ve received the dump file location by making a request as detailed above you’ll need to download the actual dump file. The file is stored using gzip compression. This means that the your http client either needs to conform to the standard and accept gzip compressed content or you’ll have to manually decompress the content once you’ve downloaded it.

We’re currently storing our event dumps on Amazon S3 and as such we’re unable to support the Accept-Encoding header as we should. Properly behaving http clients will have no problem reading the dump file as-is.

Sample contents

  "count": 4880,
  "created": "2021-09-26T10:00:00.2250984+00:00",
  "events": [
      "id": "73chcv2b644xb0f",
      "published": true,
      "name": "Spinal Tap Reunion",
      "start": "2021-12-31T21:00:00+01:00",
      "end": "2021-12-31T23:59:00+01:00",
      "lastUpdated": "2021-06-08T14:26:00+02:00",
      "hierarchyType": "event",
      "productionParentId": null,
      "doorsOpen": "2011-12-31T21:00:00+01:00",
      "infoUri": "https://www.tickster.com/sv/events/73chcv2b644xb0f/2021-12-31/spinal-tap-reunion",
      "shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/73chcv2b644xb0f",
      "description": "They're back! The most anticipated reunion of the century!",
      "imageUrl": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/0e/38053fc53ac84e4af9af6047dcb3df75194f9c",
      "isCollectionEvent": false,
      "performers": [],
      "links": [
          "text": "Spintal tap webpage",
          "uri": "https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_Tap_(film)"
      "tags": [
      "goods": [
          "name": "Adult",
          "type": "ticket",
          "description": "",
          "stockStatus": "InStock",
          "price": {
            "includingVat": "100",
            "vatPercentage": "0.06",
            "currency": "SEK",
            "priceRegions": []
          "images": {
            "small": "http://static.tickster.com/6b/9f473c627f67890529f9f9b4b3c317acba6b19",
            "large": null
          "name": "Child",
          "type": "ticket",
          "description": "",
          "stockStatus": "InStock",
          "price": {
            "includingVat": "50",
            "vatPercentage": "0.06",
            "currency": "SEK",
            "priceRegions": []
          "images": {
            "small": "http://static.tickster.com/6b/9f473c627f67890529f9f9b4b3c317acba6b19",
            "large": null
      "venueId": "cz7kd22tt48lhpf",
      "organizerId": "lvf7fm6hhvkfgfy",
      "childEvents": []
  "venues": [
      "id": "cz7kd22tt48lhpf",
      "name": "Galaxen",
      "address": "Kungsgatan 63",
      "zipCode": "11120",
      "city": "Arvika",
      "country": "SE",
      "geo": {
        "latitude": 59.3335,
        "longitude": 18.056
      "infoUri": "https://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/cz7kd22tt48lhpf/galaxen"
  "organizers": [
      "id": "lvf7fm6hhvkfgfy",
      "name": "Kalle kulas evenemang",
      "address": "Ankeborgsvägen 1",
      "zipCode": "12345",
      "city": "Arvika",
      "country": "SE",
      "geo": {
        "latitude": 59.5931,
        "longitude": 15.2146
      "infoUri": "https://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/lvf7fm6hhvkfgfy/kalle-kula"

Description of dump file contents

Field Description Example
created The time and date when the dump file was compiled, in ISO 8601 format 2011-09-26T10:00:19+00:00
events An array containing all events in the same format as the event-property in event details with the addition of a venueId and organizerId property (since the complete venue and organizer objects are stored separately from the events)
venues An array containing all referenced venues in the same format as the venue property in event details.
organizers An array containing all referenced organizers in the same format as the organizer property in event details.