Event search
Event search methods are a class of methods which share common request parameters and all return the same results. The search API uses the following URL format:
Common parameters
Parameter | Description |
q | Search query. For more information see the Query format section below. |
skip | Number of search results to skip over. Useful in combination with the take-parameter when implementing paging. |
take | Maximum number of search results to return. Max number of results is 100. Default is 15. |
sort | Search results are by default sorted by relevancy to the query but you may override this. Can be any of "eventname", "eventstart", "eventend","updated", "organizername", "venuename", "city". |
reverse | Use descending sorting. Can be true or false. |
htype | Filter search result on a specific type of events. Can be "event", "production", "production-child" or "collection". |
Query format
Search queries behaves much in the same way that search queries at Google does. You may simply enter the term or phrase that you're interested in and we'll return a list of events ordered by relevance.
All terms are joined with an implicit AND meaning that a search for "foo bar" will only return events which match both foo and bar.
There's a couple of special term prefixes at your disposal. Term prefixes are specified by joining the prefix, a colon and the term you whish to search for.
Prefix | Description | Example |
by | Searches for matches in organizer name. |
by:fantasy by:"fantasy organizers inc |
at | Searches for matches in venue name. |
at:plaza at:"Rock n Roll Plaza" |
with | Searches for events that have listed performances matching the term. |
with:spinal with:"spinal tap" |
tagged | Searches for events with the specified tags. |
tagged:rock tagged:reunion |
date | Searches for events that are open at the specified date (format: YYYY-MM-DD). | date:2010-04-02 |
city | Searches for events in the given city. | city:Stockholm |
Structure of search results
All search methods return at least the following three parameters:
Parameter | Description |
total | The total number of events matched by the query. Note that this isn't the same as the number of events returned. |
skipped | The number of events skipped to get to these results (see the skip input parameter). |
count | The number of events returned in this response. |
Depending on the amount of returned events (if any) the following parameters will also be included:
Parameter | Description | Example |
nextResultsUri | A convenience parameter indicating the canonical location from where to fetch the next page of results (only present if there are any more events available). Calculates the skip and take parameters automatically based on the input values. Please note that this does not include the api key parameter which must be added manually. | https://api.tickster.com/sv/api/0.2/events/search?q=foo&skip=15&take=15 |
hits | An array of event search result objects. |
Hit elements
The hits array consists of a number of event search hit objects (as many as specified by the count parameter). The following parameters are available for each search result:
Parameter | Description | Example |
id | The event id (string). | 0123456789abcdef |
name | The event name as given by the event organizer. | Spinal Tap Reunited |
start | Date and time indicating when the event starts. Serialized in ISO8601 format. | 2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00 |
end | Date and time indicating when the event ends. | 2023-07-14T01:00:00+02:00 |
lastUpdated | Date and time indicating when the event information was last updated by the organizer. | 2023-07-14T01:00:00+02:00 |
infoUri | The web address to the tickster.com page with human readable information about the event. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdef |
shopUri | The web address to the web shop for this particular event. | https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789ABCDEF |
apiUri | The canonical API uri for retrieving more information about the event (note that this does not include the api key parameter which must be added manually). For more information about this page see the section about Event details below. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/api/0.2/events/0123456789abcdef |
stockStatus | Stock level indicator. This is not an exact inventory number, but rather one of "InStock", "FewLeft" and "SoldOut". | InStock |
hierarchyType | Describes what type of an event it is. Can be "event", "production", "production-child" or "collection". Productions and Collections has childEvents of type event or production-child. | event |
productionParentId | If the event is a production-child this value describes the parent production id. Otherwise this is empty. | 0123456789abcdef |
venue.id | The id of the venue where this event is held. | abcdef0123456789 |
venue.name | The name of the venue where this event is held. | Rock n' Roll Plaza |
venue.infoUri | The web address to the tickster.com page with all current events at venue. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789 |
venue.latitude venue.longitude |
The WGS84 geographical latitude and longitude of the venue. Note that we don't have coordinates for all venues so we'll only include these fields when they're available. |
59.6495 12.6202 |
venue.city | The city where the venue is located. | Arvika |
organizer.id | The id of the event organizer. | 01234abcdef56789 |
organizer.name | The name of the event organizer. | Fantasy Organizers Inc |
organizer.infoUrl | The web address to the tickster.com page with all current events by organizer. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/by/01234abcdef56789 |
images.thumb | URL for the events thumbnail image. | https://static.tickster.com/9a/118251bdc076cadbc9339ea4c11d2a0d2d21fa |
images.medium | URL for the events medium size image. | https://static.tickster.com/46/113d99262c98d3def0e75d71693bc57a42aff1 |
images.large | URL for the events large size image. | https://static.tickster.com/6c/0d8785639944d17802eabc1d5232a49d25c817 |
Filtered search
Sometimes it's counter-intuitive to search through all of Ticksters events. Say for example that you're an organizer implementing an event list on your homepage. In that case you'd like to be sure that you don't get any of your competitors events showing up. That's when you should turn to filtered search methods.
These endpoints selects a subset of our database for querying:
Events by organizer
Events by venue
Upcoming events
Search methods are very flexible but if you're an event aggregator you probably just want to drink from the firehose. That's possible through the upcoming events endpoint. It will return all of our forthcoming events ordered by their start date. As with all search methods you may certainly filter this further by including the 'q' query string parameter (example: /upcoming?q=city:stockholm).
Upcoming events
Returns all upcoming events regardless of organizer. Please note that these events are sorted by the event start date, not by query relevance
Example response
"total": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"count": 1,
"hits": [
"id": "0123456789abcdef",
"name": "The Spinal Tap Reunion",
"start": "2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-14T01:00:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2017-09-21T13:37:00+00:00"
"hierarchyType": "event",
"parentProductionId": "",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdef",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789ABCDEF",
"apiUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/api/0.2/events/0123456789abcdef",
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456789",
"name": "Rock n' Roll Plaza",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789",
"latitude": "59.6495",
"longitude": "12.6202",
"city": "Arvika"
"organizer": {
"id": "01234abcdef56789",
"name": "Fantasy Organizers Inc",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/by/01234abcdef56789"
"images": {
"thumb": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/64/dedbc04e061748f00d5f7c84c85be2fb4b9776",
"medium": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/1a/c0ecaf862b0534ef720cd2f3f775d8c2b2786e",
"large": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/c1/065649b0c49d67840858a3747f9cc55b094a47"
Event details
Returns extended event information, including products for sale in event. The exact canonical url for event details can also be obtained through the apiUrl property returned in event search methods. The API uses the following URL format:
Example response
"event": {
"id": "0123456789abcdef",
"name": "Spinal Tap Reunion",
"start": "2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-14T01:00:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-04-11T08:09:12.117+02:00",
"eventState": "ReleasedForSale",
"hierarchyType": "event",
"productionParentId": "",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdef",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789ABCDEF",
"stockStatus": "Available",
"description": "
They're back! The most anticipated reunion of the century!
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": false,
"performers": [
"Spinal Tap"
"links": [
"text": "Spinal Tap on Wikipedia",
"uri": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Spinal_Tap"
"goods": [
"name": "Spinal Tap VIP-ticket",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "Get the complete backstage experience",
"price": {
"includingVat": 1195,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [],
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"name": "Spinal Tap",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "",
"price": {
"includingVat": 455,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [
"name": "C",
"includingVat": "455"
"name": "B",
"includingVat": "555"
"name": "A",
"includingVat": "655"
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"tags": [
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456789",
"name": "Club Rock",
"address": "C/O Club Jazz\nBackstagestreet 2",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Stockholm",
"country": "SE",
"geo": {
"latitude": 59.65448,
"longitude": 12.59174
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789"
"organizer": {
"id": "01234abcdef56789",
"name": "Fantasy Organizers Inc",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/by/01234abcdef56789"
"images": {
"thumb": "https://www.example.com/image/thumb",
"medium": "https://www.example.com/image/medium",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image/large"
Example response collection event
"event": {
"id": "0123456789abcdef",
"name": "Spinal Tap Reunion tour",
"start": "2023-07-11T17:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-13T01:00:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-04-11T08:09:12.117+02:00",
"eventState": "ReleasedForSale",
"hierarchyType": "production",
"productionParentId": "",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdef",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789ABCDEF",
"stockStatus": "Available",
"description": "
They're back! The most anticipated reunion of the century!
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": true,
"performers": [
"Spinal Tap"
"links": [
"text": "Spinal Tap on Wikipedia",
"uri": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Spinal_Tap"
"goods": [],
"tags": [
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456789",
"name": "Club Rock",
"address": "C/O Club Jazz\nBackstagestreet 2",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Stockholm",
"country": "SE",
"geo": {
"latitude": 59.65448,
"longitude": 12.59174
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789"
"organizer": {
"id": "01234abcdef56789",
"name": "Fantasy Organizers Inc",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/by/01234abcdef56789"
"images": {
"thumb": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/53/58817d56e61a70b6eafafe0dc126786b9a5d72",
"medium": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/30/0ec3f64f4e82a03d9fc94948233ab75e0ad8d0",
"large": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/9d/6165ee7d9b127904b56ce43db44bb47446c6e6"
"childEvents": [
"id": "0123456789abcdeg",
"name": "Spinal Tap - Måndag 11 juli",
"start": "2023-07-11T14:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-11T23:30:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-01-14T14:47:55.513+01:00",
"eventState": "ReleasedForSale",
"hierarchyType": "production-child",
"productionParentId": "0123456789abcdef",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-11T13:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdeg",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789abcdef&DERC=0123456789abcdeg",
"description": "",
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": false,
"goods": [
"name": "Spinal Tap VIP-ticket",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "Get the complete backstage experience",
"price": {
"includingVat": 1195,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [],
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"name": "Spinal Tap",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "",
"price": {
"includingVat": 455,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [
"name": "C",
"includingVat": "455"
"name": "B",
"includingVat": "555"
"name": "A",
"includingVat": "655"
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456789",
"name": "Globen",
"address": "Globenvägen 1",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Stockholm",
"country": "SE",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789"
"id": "0123456789abcdeh",
"name": "Spinal Tap - Måndag 12 juli",
"start": "2023-07-12T14:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-12T23:30:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-01-14T14:47:55.513+01:00",
"eventState": "ReleasedForSale",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-12T13:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdeh",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789abcdef&DERC=0123456789abcdeh",
"description": "",
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": false,
"goods": [
"name": "Spinal Tap VIP-ticket",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "Get the complete backstage experience",
"price": {
"includingVat": 1195,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [],
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"name": "Spinal Tap",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "",
"price": {
"includingVat": 455,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [
"name": "C",
"includingVat": "455"
"name": "B",
"includingVat": "555"
"name": "A",
"includingVat": "655"
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456780",
"name": "Ullevi",
"address": "Fiskvägen 1",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Göteborg",
"country": "SE",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456780"
Example response - collection event
"event": {
"id": "0123456789abcdef",
"name": "Spinal Tap Reunion tour",
"start": "2023-07-11T17:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-13T01:00:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-04-11T08:09:12.117+02:00",
"eventState": "ReleasedForSale",
"hierarchyType": "production",
"productionParentId": "",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdef",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789ABCDEF",
"stockStatus": "Available",
"description": "
They're back! The most anticipated reunion of the century!
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": true,
"performers": [
"Spinal Tap"
"links": [
"text": "Spinal Tap on Wikipedia",
"uri": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Spinal_Tap"
"tags": [
"goods": [],
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456789",
"name": "Club Rock",
"address": "C/O Club Jazz\nBackstagestreet 2",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Stockholm",
"country": "SE",
"geo": {
"latitude": 59.65448,
"longitude": 12.59174
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789"
"organizer": {
"id": "01234abcdef56789",
"name": "Fantasy Organizers Inc",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/by/01234abcdef56789"
"images": {
"thumb": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/53/58817d56e61a70b6eafafe0dc126786b9a5d72",
"medium": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/30/0ec3f64f4e82a03d9fc94948233ab75e0ad8d0",
"large": "https://dd16h7yl5aaam.cloudfront.net/9d/6165ee7d9b127904b56ce43db44bb47446c6e6"
"childEvents": [
"id": "0123456789abcdeg",
"name": "Spinal Tap - Måndag 11 juli",
"start": "2023-07-11T14:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-11T23:30:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-01-14T14:47:55.513+01:00",
"eventState": "ReleasedForSale",
"hierarchyType": "production-child",
"productionParentId": "0123456789abcdef",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-11T13:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdeg",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789abcdef&DERC=0123456789abcdeg",
"description": "",
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": false,
"tags": [
"goods": [
"name": "Spinal Tap VIP-ticket",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "Get the complete backstage experience",
"price": {
"includingVat": 1195,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [],
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"name": "Spinal Tap",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "",
"price": {
"includingVat": 455,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [
"name": "C",
"includingVat": "455"
"name": "B",
"includingVat": "555"
"name": "A",
"includingVat": "655"
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456789",
"name": "Globen",
"address": "Globenvägen 1",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Stockholm",
"country": "SE",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789"
"id": "0123456789abcdeh",
"name": "Spinal Tap - Måndag 12 juli",
"start": "2023-07-12T14:00:00+02:00",
"end": "2023-07-12T23:30:00+02:00",
"lastUpdated": "2023-01-14T14:47:55.513+01:00",
"doorsOpen": "2023-07-12T13:00:00+02:00",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdeh",
"shopUri": "https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789abcdef&DERC=0123456789abcdeh",
"description": "",
"imageUrl": "https://www.example.com/image",
"isCollectionEvent": false,
"tags": [],
"goods": [
"name": "Spinal Tap VIP-ticket",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "Get the complete backstage experience",
"price": {
"includingVat": 1195,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [],
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"name": "Spinal Tap",
"type": "ticket",
"description": "",
"price": {
"includingVat": 455,
"vatPercentage": 0.06,
"currency": "SEK",
"priceRegions": [
"name": "C",
"includingVat": "455"
"name": "B",
"includingVat": "555"
"name": "A",
"includingVat": "655"
"images": {
"small": "https://www.example.com/image",
"large": "https://www.example.com/image"
"venue": {
"id": "abcdef0123456780",
"name": "Ullevi",
"address": "Fiskvägen 1",
"zipCode": "123 45",
"city": "Göteborg",
"country": "SE",
"infoUri": "http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456780"
Description of response fields
The return object consists of multiple properties: event, venue, organizer, images, childevents.
Nullable items could either be null or an empty string. Y = nullable / empty. N = Not nullable there is always a value
Arrays could be empty but the parent property always exists.
Parameter | Nullable | Description | Example |
event.id | N | The event id (string). | 0123456789abcdef |
event.name | N | The event name as given by the event organizer. | Spinal Tap Reunion |
event.start | N | Date and time indicating when the event begins. Serialized in ISO8601 format. | 2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00 |
event.end | N | Date and time indicating when the event ends. Serialized in ISO8601 format. | 2023-07-14T01:00:00+02:00 |
event.lastUpdated | N | Date and time indicating when the event info was last edited. Serialized in ISO8601 format. | 2023-07-14T01:00:00+02:00 |
event.eventState | N | String that indicates current state of event |
Can be any of
event.hierarchyType | N | Describes what type of an event it is. Can be "event", "production", "production-child" or "collection". Productions and Collections has childEvents of type event or production-child. | event |
event.productionParentId | Y | If the event is a production-child this value describes the parent production id. Otherwise this is empty. | 0123456789abcdef |
event.doorsOpen | N | Date and time indicating when the event "opens its doors" for visitors, ie the earliest time possible to exchange your ticket and enter the venue. For most of our events this is the same as the start-parameter. | 2023-07-13T17:00:00+02:00 |
event.infoUri | N | The web address to the tickster.com page with human readable information about the event. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/0123456789abcdef |
event.shopUri | N | The web address to the web shop for this particular event. | https://secure.tickster.com/Intro.aspx?ERC=0123456789ABCDEF |
event.stockStatus | Y | Added in API-Version 3. Possible values are Available, FewLeft, SoldOut. | Available |
event.description | Y | A well-formed HTML string with paragraphs containing a description of the event as provided by the event organizer. | <p>They're back! The most anticipated reunion of the century!</p> |
event.performers | Y | An array of "performers" (could be bands, solo artists, theater stars depending on the event). | |
event.actors | Y | An array of "actors" only for cinema events | |
event.links | Y | An array of link-objects with text and uri properties. The links are provided by the event organizer and may point to interesting websites related to the event such as artist homepage, spotify playlists, last.fm pages and so on. | |
event.goods | Y | An array of goods. Could be an empty array. | |
event.goods.price.currency | N | ISO 4217 Price currency as a string. | SEK |
event.goods.price.includingVat | N | The goods price including VAT. Minimum price if multiple prices are available. | |
event.goods.price.priceRegions | Y | An array of available priceregions. Could be an empty array. Values exists only for numbered tickets/packages only. Sorted by price lowest to highest. | |
event.tags | Y | An array of tags (strings) provided by the event organizer. | |
event.imageUrl | Y | Url to event image. | https://www.example.com/image.jpg |
event.isCollectionEvent | N | Boolean to explain if the event has childEvents. | false |
images.thumb | Y | Url to event image in thumbnail format. | |
images.medium | Y | Url to event image in medium format (API version 3 or above) | |
images.large | Y | Url to event image in large format (API version 3 or above) | |
venue.id | N | The id of the venue where this event is held (API version 3 or above) | abcdef0123456789 |
venue.name | N | The name of the venue where this event is held. | Club Rock |
venue.address | N | The postal address of the event. May include two rows separated by a newline character. | C/O Club Jazz\nBackstagestreet 2 |
venue.zipcode | N | 123 45 | |
venue.city | N | Stockholm | |
venue.country | N | ISO-3166 Alpha 2 country code. | SE |
venue.geo.latitude venue.geo.longitude |
Y | The WGS84 geographical latitude and longitude of the venue. Note that we don't have coordinates for all venues so we'll only include these fields when they're available. | |
venue.infoUri | N | The web address to the tickster.com page with all current events at venue. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/at/abcdef0123456789 |
organizer.id | N | The id of the event organizer. | 01234abcdef56789 |
organizer.name | N | The name of the event organizer | Fantasy Organizers Inc |
organizer.infoUri | N | The web address to the tickster.com page with all current events by organizer. | http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/by/01234abcdef56789 |
childEvents | Y | An array of child event objects. |